CBX Exam_CP-210_Applicant
Tested out CP-210!
Vocal Proficiency_Accompanist
Accompanied Nora Jabri's vocal proficiency exam VOX : Nora Jabri
Rating Audition_applicant
Rating Audition Rating changed from 3433-->4443
Candidate lunch and teaching demo_participant
Participated Composition department candidate lunch and teaching demo
CBX exam_Test out_CM211
Tested out CM-211 on November
Recording Musical Theater piece_Keyboardist
Record as a keyboard player for the musical theater piece Directed and Composed by Claude Gaurote
Video Crew_Camera, Sound engineer
New crew orientation First shift as a video crew Berklee highschool jazz festival Working as a cameraman, sound engineer and director. In...
Society of Composer_Active member
Society of Composer Active member
Record backing track for my friends exam_Pianist
Recorded her vocal backing track for her exam. Piece : "Let Beauty Awake"
Film Scoring Network_Active Member
Film Scoring Network Active Member